Big Bronze Butterfly Telescope

Auction closed for price: $99.00
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    20th of July 2018 at 8:00 PM

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This one, along with about 30 others, was supposed to be featured on last week’s “Scratch and Dent” auction.  Unfortunately, I somehow deleted over 300 photos, and wasn’t able to list the fish.  Taking photos is quite time consuming, so I was pretty upset when I realized that I had lost all of the work.  Anyway, this one came in last January with majorly shredded fins.  It healed rather quickly, with no issues, but will always be scarred due to the amount of damage.  Still, an impressive fish in large size, with nice motion and balance.  Aa a kid, most of the large goldfish I would see had fin damage, so this kinda reminds me of many of those.

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
d*****i$99.0020-Jul-2018 20:48:58Yes
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