Big Red/White Butterfly, Plus lil Girl Friend

Auction closed for price: $249.00
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    5th of August 2016 at 8:00 PM

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I’ve talked about it many times before, but thought I’d put together this 2-PAK to better illustrate just how big some of these fish are.  The large fish is only about 2.5 inches bigger than the small one, but just look at the difference in overall size.

Just a few of these large butterfly left, and this one is very nice.  Cute smaller female included as a bonus.

FINAL Week of SUMMER SALE…$25 off your Shipping Total!!!

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
B*************s$249.0005-Aug-2016 20:22:50Yes
j**********3$184.9905-Aug-2016 20:12:28 
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