Black Longtail Telescope

Auction closed for price: $119.00
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    6th of October 2017 at 8:00 PM

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These have always been one of my favorites.  They usually keep the deep black color well, and I’ve also seen them get very large.  This batch is already quite large at only 1.5 years old.  Very hardy and active, they had some damage when imported in July….likely from being too vigorous in the bags during shippping.  All healed quickly with no issues, but most still have small flaws in the fins as a result.  Still, awesome fish in large size, with excellent motion and balance.

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
S******o$119.0008-Oct-2017 19:14:28Yes
j******1$100.0007-Oct-2017 13:36:59 
w*****x$99.0007-Oct-2017 13:36:56 
w*****x$94.9906-Oct-2017 22:50:56 
S******o$90.0006-Oct-2017 22:50:54 
w*****x$79.9906-Oct-2017 21:02:16 
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