Black/White Oranda

Auction closed for price: $99.00
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    26th of January 2018 at 8:00 PM

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This batch of orandas came in last fall, and has proved to be a very active and hardy group of fish.  Just a couple left.  Black pigment has been pretty stable while here, but please know that it’s hard to keep on metallic fish long-term.

FINAL week for BONUS FOOD OFFER!…Orders over $100 (invoice total before shipping) receive a FREE 6 oz. Jar of SUPER GOLD ($15.99 Value).   Orders over $200 (total before shipping) receive a FREE 16 oz. Bag of SUPER GOLD ($29.99 Value).

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
k******s$99.0027-Jan-2018 11:43:04Yes
T***********4$79.9927-Jan-2018 03:00:02 
M********5$75.0027-Jan-2018 02:59:52 
M********5$74.9926-Jan-2018 20:56:00 
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