Blue/Black Veiltail Shubunkin

Auction closed for price: $39.00
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    4th of August 2017 at 8:00 PM

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This is one of the last of the veiltail shubunkins that I found last year while visiting China.  This one doesn’t have as full of a tail as many of the others (I’d call it more of a longtail), but is still different than most typical shubunkin and has very pretty color.

Scratch and Dent/Oddballs and Oddities BONUS SALE…Invoices over $150 (Fish Total before Shipping) get a FREE Bag of Soilent Green (12 oz., $19.99 Value)

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
h*********s$39.0006-Aug-2017 19:59:04Yes
L*******o$31.9906-Aug-2017 18:26:44 
h*********s$27.0006-Aug-2017 16:43:25 
L*******o$25.0106-Aug-2017 16:43:23 
L*******o$20.9806-Aug-2017 14:50:11 
h*********s$15.9906-Aug-2017 14:50:10 
h*********s$14.9906-Aug-2017 06:19:23 
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