“Rearview” Red/White Butterfly Telescope

Auction closed for price: $129.00
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    18th of August 2017 at 8:00 PM

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Specially bred to detect potential predators behind it, these are produced to have one eye that faces somewhat backwards.   JUST KIDDING!….I’ve seen many variations on eyes over the years.  Since they are bred for mutations, there are can be lots of different sizes, shapes, and orientations.  That’s also why perfect symmetry is very hard to find, and can even change over time as one eye might grow faster than the other.  This one has an “eye-catching” eye on the left that faces towards the back.  Whether or not it is desirable is entirely subjective, but it is very different and interesting.   Just don’t try and sneak up on this one! : )

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UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
C**************d$129.0018-Aug-2017 20:21:37Yes
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