Red-Eye Telescope Wakin

Auction closed for price: $89.00
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    5th of August 2016 at 8:00 PM

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I’ve come to realize that most people don’t understand how unique this color is….on any variety.   Hard to fully appreciate in the photos, it is very different, and the albino eye-type is very rarely seen.  I’ve seen it very occasionally in ryukin, telescopes, and orandas, but never in Wakin.  I found just 4 of these unique fish while in China, and there are only two left.  This is my favorite.  Super spunky little fish with nice potential.  It’s hard to say if I’ll ever have these again.

FINAL Week of SUMMER SALE…$25 off your Shipping Total!!!

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
s***********1$89.0005-Aug-2016 22:27:27Yes
s*******h$59.9905-Aug-2016 20:15:53 
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