Red/Black Telescope Ranchu

Auction closed for price: $99.00
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    13th of July 2018 at 8:00 PM

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I immersed myself seriously into the goldfish hobby many years ago due to black ranchu.   These telescope ranchu take things to a whole additional level for me, and have been my favorite variety the last few years.  I was lucky to get a nice group of these smaller ones, and they’ve proved to be excellent overall fish…very hardy and extremely active and responsive.  This one has a nice back and eyes.  Please know that black pigment on fish like this is hard to keep long-term.

FINAL WEEK! “Scratch and Dent” SALE…orders over $150 (fish total, before shipping) will receive a FREE 6 oz. Jar of Super Gold ($15.99 value).   Fish totals over $250 will receive a FREE Dandy Orandas’ Exclusive size…1 Pound Bag of Super Gold ($29.99 value).

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
C**********3$99.0013-Jul-2018 20:06:03Yes
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