SUPER GOLD Gel Food Premix, 2 Kilo (Best price per gram for my Dandy Orandas formula) FREE SHIPPING

Auction closed for price: $95.99
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    13th of July 2018 at 8:00 PM

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If you want to ADD 2 Kilos of SUPER GOLD to your FISH ORDER, please use this “buy it now” option.   This will add it to your fish invoice, and there will be no additional shipping charges when added to your fish shipment.   I don’t have another way implemented to add food to your order, so will be using this method for now.  If you are just getting the food, let me know, so that I can remove the ship charge that’s normally calculated for fish shipments.  

SUPER GOLD is here!!!  I’ve been dreaming about this for decades!  After years of research, and months of trials, my new food is finally ready for sale.  Unhappy with most of the “goldfish food” I’ve tried over the years, I knew there had to be a better solution for these fish.  Unfortunately, most products are made of what I call “economy” ingredients.  Some are hard to even define….like “fish meal”.  After much study, I’ve found that fish meal can include left over parts of the fish, including bones, scales and even guts.  I asked several people about this, and no one could tell me exactly what was in it, or even what species of fish (much like “hotdogs”…what the heck is in there???), so I crossed that off my list immediately.  Additionally, many other cheap ingredients simply are not that great for Goldfish.   Also, most foods are totally dry, and not ideal for digestion in Goldfish, causing potential problems with balance/buoyancy after eating and even constipation.  I’ve experimented with many homemade formulas, with emphasis on gel foods for excellent digestion and assimilation.   I wanted my food to include the highest quality ingredients, and a wide-spectrum of them, to provide a complete nutrition.  As you know, I’ve been advocating Soilent Green for my fish, as that’s the best thing I’ve used in my nearly 50 years in the hobby.  Still, I kept experimenting with additional ingredients, always looking to make the food even better.  I’ve also consulted with many people in the hobby, including top Goldfish experts in China, to get their thoughts on target nutritional specs, and recommended ingredients.  I finally approached Allen Repashy about this idea over two years ago, and then met with him to work out the final formula last winter.  Repashy has 40 different and unique formulas for all kinds of animals, and Allen was able to offer lots of additional expert advice regarding the advantages of various ingredients.  It would have been easy to make this just another “economy” food, but I told him I was more interested in making it the Best Food.  Building the formula, it became obvious that the high levels of Quality Ingredients, including Krill, Black Soldier Fly, Squid, Chlorella, Spirulina, and many others were going to make this more expensive to produce than Soilent Green, but again I was more interested in the quality of the food than the cost.  Since most of these Goldfish are expensive to begin with, I think it makes no sense to cut costs by giving them a poor diet.  Given their mutations, Goldfish are inherently weak animals, and have problems just digesting food, so they need all the help they can get!  So, with the cost of the ingredients, SUPER GOLD will retail at the higher pricing tier for Repashy products than SOILENT GREEN, but I feel that it will be well worth it.

2 Kilos (4.4 pounds).  This is the best value available based on price per gram.

Posted Bids
UsernameBid AmountDate MadeWinner
B******4$95.9915-Jul-2018 17:46:09Yes
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