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I've had several people ask if I'll still be selling SUPER GOLD once fish sales cease. The answer is YES!...and without fish to sell, truthfully I will need all the support I can get! While you can buy SUPER GOLD from sites like Amazon, I don't get a penny from those sales, so I ask that you please buy from me on this site. You won't find it any cheaper anywhere else, and I also have a couple exclusive size offerings not found elsewhere. Most important, I feel that this is the absolute best food you can feed fancy goldfish. I've fed nothing else for nearly three years now, and have had amazing results. I'll be releasing a couple videos about SUPER GOLD soon, with tips on making it, and info about the benefits of it over foods out there.
Thank You in advance for your support. CLICK HERE to purchase, and don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything, or have any questions.
Dandy Orandas has customers in every state of the USA. I know some quite well and consider many of you to be friends at this point. I've had an idea for nearly 20 years that it would be great to actually meet many of you in person someday. I've always had fish here though, so it's been nearly impossible to leave, even for a day. The decision to forego imports due to tariffs provides the freedom to finally make my idea happen.
I plan on doing a tour of the Southern Half of the USA, starting in late February. That will include stops at various locations to talk goldfish, with video interviews of people, their setups, their fish, etc.. I already have several interesting places and people lined up, but am inviting everyone out there to possibly be a part of the tour. There is still a lot of planning ...exact locations, timing, etc., but I hope to piece those details together in the upcoming weeks.
The pic below is a rough sketch of my tentative route. It is not exact, and there will likely be some deviation, but I don't plan on being in the north half of the USA at this time.
Anyway, if you would be interested in having me stop by your area, I'd love to see everyone I can during this tour. And, you don't have to be an old customer...I hope to meet lots of new people too! If interested and close to my route, please email me with some basic info....
1. Your location
2. A little about yourself and your fish hobby. How you got started, etc.
3. Quick description of your setup/s
4. If you'd be willing to be part of a quick video interview with your fish.
5. Any other thoughts you'd like to share, including points of interest in your area. Fish related places would be great, but I haven't traveled much, so would be interested in most any points of interest along the way.
Please send email to...
I hope to make this informative and interesting, as well as lots of fun! It will be hard to visit everyone, but I hope to see as many people as possible. It's going to be me and my three kids (rescue dogs) in an old RV for about three months. That alone should be interesting!
See you soon?
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